

The Evolution of Water Storage: Exploring the Latest Trends in Tank Design

 The Evolution of Water Storage: Exploring the Latest Trends in Tank Design

Water is crucial to human life. Access to uncontaminated water is a basic necessity. For millennia water has been stored for various domestic uses.

In ancient times, water storage likely began with wooden, ceramic, and stone containers. These early tanks would have used preservative methods to prevent the growth of bacteria and algae, ensuring safe drinking water and mitigating water scarcity. These early societies understood the importance of protecting water from contamination by animal waste and dirt.

Archeological sites suggest that early civilizations, as far back as 1500 BC, used water storage tanks, some engineered for storage and others naturally occurring structures. Indeed, these ancient humans conceived the idea of storage after they came across these natural collection containers.

Civilization around the world used different methods and storage vessels. began to adopt the use of water storage containers. You can particularly see these in monasteries, castles, and other medieval civilizations that later modified the containers to create cisterns. With these, contamination levels were minimized.

Smaller water tanks came into being when separate societies and families evolved. With technological discoveries, materials changed as well, each having its own advantages. Modern-day advancements saw underground tanks being built, as opposed to conventional overhead tanks, built due to a lack of space. However, overhead tanks remain popular due to their accessibility and visibility.

The UAE’s arid climate and high evaporation rates make water storage tanks an essential part of life. As UAE grows, innovation, coupled with strategized storage, is needed to make the supply of water sustainable.

Leading the way in modern water storage solutions, Polycon Gulf offers premium, FDA-approved food-grade polyethylene water tanks. Their range includes conically shaped, horizontal, vertical, and customized tanks. These tanks are designed to prevent the formation of bacteria, algae, and fungi, ensuring high-quality, durable, and reliable water storage.

Due to their high quality, durability, and reliability, these tanks are also approved for installation by municipalities across the UAE.